


Important 信息 for Students Using Post 9/11 退伍军人法案®福利

2022年春季学期开始, 使用911后GI法案®福利的学生将被要求在每个月底核实他们的注册情况. 连续两个月未能核实将中断每月住房津贴(MHA)和/或kicker付款.  请浏览 注册验证网页 从美国退伍军人事务部获取更多信息.

一个简单方便的验证选项是注册退伍军人事务部(VA)的短信验证. 在退伍军人事务部备案的美国手机号码的学生将在他们的下一个注册期临近时收到一条选择加入的短信. 没有在VA存档的美国手机号码的学生将无法使用文本验证,而是自动注册到电子邮件验证系统.



作为 先前学习的学分, JWCC将自动授予注册学生4小时的基本军事训练选修课学分,并向注册办公室提供他们的DD214副本. We also award credit for military training and experience based upon your Joint Services transcript, CLEP, 唐太斯, DSST, 以及ACE军事指南的建议. 美国教育委员会(ACE)的《beat365平台》 半个多世纪以来一直是识别军事学习的标准参考工作吗.

If you would like to have a SOC evaluation of your academic records by JWCC, please complete the following steps after enrolling in JWCC classes. 请注意,在完成要求的SOC评估之前,您必须是beat365平台的注册学生.

  1. 联系 丽莎史诺德,退伍军人协调员.
  2. 确保有一份你的 联合服务成绩单 发送到JWCC
  3. Have official copies of all prior college or university transcripts sent directly to JWCC
  4. 提交所有CLEP、唐太斯和DSST分数



美国退伍军人事务部项目的认证由招生服务中心提供.  认证官员与退伍军人一起工作,帮助他们完成联邦退伍军人福利以及伊利诺伊州退伍军人补助金和伊利诺伊州国民警卫队补助金所需的文书工作.  JWCC is approved as an eligible institution for the instruction of veterans, 预备役人员, 以及根据《beta365》第38条规定的家属. State IVG and ING applications are available in the Enrollment Services Center.

beat365平台 will grant credit for military service, 现役和预备役, 这是基于美国教育委员会和空军社区学院的建议, when the granting of that credit is appropriate to the student’s current educational goals. 获得这些课程的学分, the student must present a copy of their DD 214 (Separation from Military Service), CCAF transcript or Joint Services transcript or other proof deemed to be acceptable by the Registrar.




比较年度估计费用. JWCC: $5440 tuition, $300 fees, $4784 grants, $1000 scholarships. Z学院:学费36346美元,助学金4784美元,奖学金12000美元.

通知贷款不包括在上述等式中. 贷款 are only a tool to help pay what you owe, not to reduce your tuition or total cost.

*Based on in-district tuition for 2023-24 academic year, 32 hours or 16 credit hours per semester. 费用根据实验室、班级和项目而有所不同. Average grants and scholarships for first time, full-time students 2021-2022 academic year. (College Z figures based on actual data from regional 4-year school)

学费和学杂费 (in-district = $170/credit hour, online = $200/credit hour, out-of-district = $290/credit hour).

住在JWCC区外(区外或州外)并使用联邦邮政9/11的学生, 第三十章, 31章, 或退伍军人准备和就业(VR)&E) 2008年退伍军人教育援助法案下的福利将根据伊利诺伊州众议院法案2353收取地区学费.


如果你打算使用退伍军人教育福利, use the four-step process to determine your eligibility and apply for those 好处 if appropriate.



在线联系退伍军人管理局办公室 美国GI法案®网站 (或拨打888免费电话.442.4551)看看你是否有资格获得退伍军人管理局的福利, 退伍军人法案®福利, 及/或充值计划,并索取任何所需表格. 请注意:  Forms should also be available at all DVA offices, 大多数现役军事基地, 以及美国在其他国家的大使馆.

步骤3:完成 & 发送你的VA申请

让你的 伤残保险福利申请* (22-1990). If you are on active duty, your ESO will need to sign the bottom of the 3rd page.

透过 GI Bill®网站

The OVA must take several steps to get your student application in their system. This process includes the following steps and may take up to 12 weeks:

  1. OVA人员收到来自JWCC的注册验证
  2. OVA contacts DoD to verify that you have made payments toward the VA Program
  3. OVA personnel confirm that the “VA Entitlement” was awarded to you
  4. OVA enters your student information in their system to complete the application process

Check on the status of their VA application should contact their OVA toll-free at 888.442.4551






注册课程后 每学期, 访问位于招生服务办公室的退伍军人协调员,填写“退伍军人入学证明蓝表”。. The Veteran’s Coordinator will then submit your enrollment to the OVA to be processed.

充值程序用户必须完成以下操作 每学期:

  • 获得22-1990(申请退伍军人福利)
  • 由他们的教育服务主任签署
  • Send it to their VA office with a completed and approved military 学费 Assistance (TA) form.

还有问题吗??  电子邮件 丽莎史诺德.

GI Bill®是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). More information about education 好处 offered by VA is available at the official U.S. 政府网站: http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.

JWCC is approved as an eligible institution for the instruction of veterans, 第38条规定的预备役军人和家属, United States Code programs by the Illinois State Approving Agency. 任何认为自己有资格获得福利的人都可以通过注册办公室获得信息和申请表格. 才有资格领取福利, 学生必须参加符合条件的课程, attend classes regularly and make satisfactory progress toward their educational goal. 这意味着必须保持令人满意的GPA,并且学生所注册的课程将“减少毕业或完成课程所需的学分数量”. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 GI法案®福利网站.

该奖项将为参加JWCC兼职或全职的伊利诺伊州退伍军人支付全额地区学费. 任何以伊利诺斯州居民身份参军的退伍军人,如果在退伍后六个月内返回伊利诺斯州服役至少12个月,就有资格获得伊利诺斯州退伍军人补助金. 出院文件的复印件, DD-214, and proof of state residency must accompany the application for the award. 信息 and application forms may be obtained from the Registrar’s Office or by filling out the 伊利诺伊州退伍军人补助金申请.

This award applies to tuition charged for attending JWCC part-time or full-time.  资格要求接受者必须是伊利诺伊州国民警卫队的成员至少一年,并且必须在赠款期间继续成为成员. 信息. 网上申请: 直接督导下.

对于大多数现役军人来说, 军事学费援助(TA) will cover 100% of tuition costs at JWCC. Each branch of service has established an annual cap for TA, as well.  Most JWCC students can expect TA to cover the cost of 4-6 courses annually. Check with your installation Education Center for details and to apply for tuition assistance.

Reserve component members are also eligible for TA under this policy; however, 每个服务组件都建立了特定的指导方针, 限制, and policies for their members that may be different than the typical active duty policy.  在注册任何课程之前, 预备会员应向当地的教育服务主任(ESO)查询具体信息,并充分了解他们的助教覆盖范围.   储备成员也被鼓励寻求任何雇主学费援助计划,可能会降低他们的总自付费用.


1. 确定你需要的文件.

如果这是你第一次设置TA, 或者如果你已经搬迁到一个新的基地, 您可能需要以下部分或全部文件,以便与您的ESO一起完成TA流程. 请 contact your ESO to determine which documents you will need, and follow these directions to locate them and print them out:


2. 参观基地教育中心


3. 填写助教表格.

请确保提交适当数量的表格:选修多门课程的学生,如果所有课程的“开始日期”相同,则可以提交一份TA表格。. 选修多门课程且开课日期不同的学生必须为每门课程提交单独的助教表格.

陆军是DA 2171表格


Navy and Marines is Form NETPDTC 1560/3 (Application for 学费 Assistance)





如果你需要这方面的帮助, 联系Brenda Manis, JWCC学生客户经理.


Proper signatures from Education Services Officer (ESO) and Command Representative


4. Send (FAX or MAIL) approved forms to JWCC prior to your course start date.

填妥并获批准的助教表格副本传真至217.641.4191 (be sure you have the form set correctly in the fax machine)

send the Application for 学费 Assistance; this is not the approved form

If the Ed Center will fax the paperwork for you, please make sure they have done so

5. Allow 48 hours for JWCC to process the TA form, once it is faxed and follow-up if necessary.

If you 不 receive a TA form confirmation email within 48 hours after you fax it, 请透过 给Brenda Manis发邮件.  请 always include your full name and last four digits of your SSN so that we can best assist you.

使用VA项目的学生可以在校园里获得有限数量的兼职职位. This program is not affiliated with campus or Federal Work Study. 向退伍军人协调员申请. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 GI法案®福利网站.



申请约翰伍德的学生必须提交成绩单,包括所有以前的大学课程和所有军事学分.  An official transcript from each institution previously attended is required.

It is important that you have official transcripts sent at the earliest possible date.


索取一份你的 联合服务成绩单 (JST).

CCAF -空军

The Community College of the Air Force transcript 申请表 is located at CCAF成绩单申请 ,或写:

CCAF /密不可分
Gunter附件AL 36114-3011

要获得beat365平台所有学分的成绩单,你可以打印一份 申请表 或要求成绩单通过您的太阳能帐户.  联系 帮助台 如果您需要帮助访问SOLAR.